current page: cv training
Nederlands versie

Master skills by excersizing

Just going to a class had no effect. Skills are not mastered by just sitting and listening to a teacher. Training and put the material into action that is the way to grow. For that reason I have my own computer room containing Sun, linux and Apple systems to try everything what you can not do at a customers site, including clusters.
IT specific training
2006Jonathan LewisOptimizing Oracle Performance by Design
2005VeritasVeritas I3 - Application Performance Tuning
2004OracleDatabase Security
2003OracleDatawarehouse administration
OracleRAC administration
2001IBMAdvanced HACMP administration
2000OracleNew features oracle 8i for DBA's
1998Business objects
1997OracleDeveloper 2000/forms 4.5
Developer 2000/reports 2.5
1996Building HTML forms
Programming Java-script
Programming Java
1995RSO: Relational System Design
DBA7/1: Oracle7 for DBA's 1
Programming PRO*C
DBA7/2: Oracle7 for DBA's 2
PROC7: Procedural extention of Oracle7
AT computingUnix system administration
1994OracleFOR3/1: Building forms with SQL*forms
AkamAdvanced C programming
1993Akam educationUnix
OracleSO2: Oracle relational dbms, SQL & SQL*Supertools
Akam educationAdvanced unix
Programming C
OraclePLS: Using PL/SQL
SRW-1: Building reports with SQL-reportwriter
BullCobol85 migration
1992Delicata SoftwareVirtual Memory & Security GMAP 2
BullTP8 analysis
TP8 Optimization
1991Delicata SoftwareGMAP programing 1
1990Workstation concepts
Migration to TP8
TP8 Administration
Integrity Control Administration
1989DMIV-TP administration
1988BullIDS2 Database Programmer
DMIV-TP transaktion programmer
1987CapGeminiApplication programmer
Jackson Structured Programming

Last updated on 26-11-2007
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